Monday, 21 December 2015


This are some remedies that you must do if Guru is in bad position:-

1) Offer 51 chick peas(kondai kadalai nut) as malai(garland)
Soak the nut in water for at least 6hours, then tie by using needle, poke in between each nut with thread.

2) If the above method cannot, then buy raw nut for RM1 then give to priest when you do archanai. (recommended)

3) If you cannot the above method, then put nei vilakku for Guru Bhagawan.

4) Pariharam moorthy for Guru Bhagawan is Lord Dakshinamoorthy(Lord Shivan), if the temple you go do not have Lord Dakshinamoorthy, then you can do prayers to Vinayagar.

5) Read Guru mantra "Guru Gayathri mantra"
Rishabadhwajaya vidhmahe
Igruni hasthaya dhimahi
Thanno Guru prachodhayath

Dear friends, If you feel all the above remedies does not help you, then here is my remedies to help you out:

1) As you all know guru like yellow colour so keep yellow cloth with you always. It can be any piece of yellow cloth.

2) If the you cannot get yellow cloth, you may keep yellow pen with you. Keep it in your pocket. Make sure the cover is yellow.

3) If Guru giving very bad palan then go around Guru Bhagawan(Navagraha) for 27 times chanting his mantra.

4) Best offering is kondai kadalai kacang (black chick peas). This remedies will pleased Guru Bhagawan.

5) Try to get cheap yellow stone ring.Try wear it

1 comment:

  1. I stay in Matunga where can i find this temple I am not South Indian ans what should I ask for ...
    I would prefer donating the chick peas to some poor person every Thursday is that ok??
