Sunday, 20 December 2015

Cow is sacred animals for Hindus. They are form of Kamadhenu (Heaven Cow). They believe cows are the only living form which ...become home for divine spirits (deva...s). They believe Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva live on earth inside cow. IT CONSIDER A GREAT SIN IF YOU KILL THEM. Many argues they just eat them not kill them. BUT DO YOU KNOW, Eating cow meat only can done by kill them and you becomes the reason they killed. How about BULL? Without bull, cow cannot get birth! Hindus consider those kill cow are Devils. Devils love cow parts especially liver! Those kill cow will get Pitru Dosha and will suffer in hot water pot in hell for centuries! Hindus please abstrain yourselves from doing this sin. Cow is Divine animal!
Another practical n rationalize thought is : when a mother cannot give her milk to her newly born baby,cow's milk is the nearest to a mother's milk. Her varati is used in mud huts, attap roofs, use to make fire, and etc. Cow is also farmer's best friend when ploughing the land in absence of today's modern machinery before, bullock carts for travelling.
So Cow is accorded a noble status in Sanatana Dharma.

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